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Even if something is believed to be under an exclusivity deal, there's always a chance someone found a loophole, the deal wasn't as strong as was led to believe, or some other legalish way, such as how Phillips ended up with the legal right to make Mario + Zelda games for the CD-i after their SNES-CD deal fell through.

While I highly, highly doubt it would be Gear of War, I'd love for that to happen, just because the reaction from 360 fanboy trolls would be hilarious. I think some of them might just spontaneously combust. Especially if the press release mentioned a bunch of special features/upgraded graphics for the PS3 version and/or Gears 3 PS3 exclusivity.

Can you just imagine the reaction to a press release stating that Gears 1+2 would be released on a single Blu-Ray, with upgraded graphics, and Gears 3 would be a PS3 exclusive. I think some of the worst fanboy trolls would be threatening seppuku at that point. Lulz.

Again, there's pretty much 0% chance of that happening, but I think I would pay good money to be able to read internet forums in an alternate universe where Gears of War and/or Halo were announced for PS3. Mwhahaha.

Either way, it doesn't really matter to me what comes out, as I've got both systems. I generally don't like exclusivity deals, though, all it really does is hurt gamers as a whole, and cause general retardation on the internet (not that that's difficult to accomplish.)