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Well I just beat story mode (don't worry, no spoilers), and it was really cool. I need to go back and replay a couple parts, because I'm still a little confused. I get the gist of what was going on and what happened, but details are fuzzy. I missed the "true endings" of a couple of characters that seem key, like Haku-men and Rachel. Haku-men's true identity was certainly a surprise though, but also a bit confusing. And the over all ending does deserve the trophy called "Dun dun DUNNN". It really just sets it up as "wow, awesome, what's going to happen now?"

It's pretty clear who will be new characters in the next Blazblue. I doubt it will be a full on sequel, because few fighting games operate that way, it will probably be "BlazBlue Turbo X Calamity Awesome Megamix edition" or some such. It will probably have Terumi, Jubei, and maybe Tsubaki as playable characters whatever it is. I really wish they would just have a Downloadable story expansion pack or something, because the story is really cool and I want more of it. With the character design, soundtrack, and story this could've just as easily have been an RPG.

I love this game.

You can find me on facebook as Markus Van Rijn, if you friend me just mention you're from VGchartz and who you are here.