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Wow, talk about cherry picking when you bring up the UK, Squilliam. Wii salews are tapering off compared to 360 there because it's pretty much the cheapest place in the world to pick up a 360 and the Wii had a price INCREASE. Also, you're completely off base when you talk about "casuals" buying the Wii. Reports have already shown that the vast majority of Wii owners are not first time console buyers. Gamers are still picking the Wii up, and high profile games are going to keep drawing more of them to the Wii. This could be the Wii's peak year, sure, but with hardly any releases in the first half to generate high sales who can tell. This year is much more back-loaded for Nintendo than the last, and until we start seeing more of the announced major titles hit shelves there's just no foundation for your speculation.

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