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My complaint: Well, aside from the fourth Boss showing that the controls weren't quite perfectly implimented:

The god damn frogs. Oh good, I need to remember 8 different symbols just so I don't waste my time sailing everywhere. How about I tap the frog, and the game lets me teleport there, mmkay? Or not have me try to write a tiny legible Omega on my map so I don't forget that that specific golden frog speaks old greek. Maybe make em a bit harder to find or something, but I've drawn the symbol perfect, and had the game reject it, and drawn it like my normal 4 year old self, and had the game accept it. Maybe make me sail to a frog to visit others. But random symbols? Fuck off.

See Ya George.

"He did not die - He passed Away"

At least following a comedians own jokes makes his death easier.