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dang, page 8 to find a zelda thread.

I finally beat the game. Basically just following through the story and still missing 4 hearts.

My impression out of 10,
Stylus use: 10
Gameplay: 10
Game length: 7 (this doesn't include find all nook and canny, just straight forward story)
Graphics: 8 (it grows on you)
Sound: 8
Wifi mode: n/a (hadn't tried)
Puzzle difficulty: 3 (I am used to playing puzzle games, may differ for other)
Number of deaths: 3
- There's 1 room that I got stuck because I ran out of arrows while solving puzzle. Had to suicide.
- 1 death at the boss that I took more time to figure out how to kill
- 1 death at the last boss form. also because I didn't know how to knock the boss out.

Use of items, the boomerang got the most use and it deserve to be.
Shovel, not so much. Most are just obvious use.
Bow/Arrow, some usage but not used enough.
Grapple, clever use, but not enough opportunity.
Hammer, too little, too late.
Bombs, not used as much as I thought it should.
Mouse bombs, useful but not used much neither.

I think the items aren't used as often as they should due to game length. I definitely feel a lot shorter than other zelda games (to me). I can't remember how many dungeons but it certainly not short compared to many games nowaday. I think it felt short because it was a great game and I felt like it wasn't enough :)

Ninja Gaiden is even more appealing now after playing Zelda.