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I am not bashing the handicapped children. If you think I was, you should re-read what I say.

Also, I dont know how many paralized people you know, but alot of them have rather weak arm abilities. Flinging the Wiimote/nunchuck around would be very difficult. For some of the most paralized people in the world. They use a... get this. a JOYSTICK. to controll their wheel-chair.  

HappySqurriel - ever heard of tax deductable? Nintendo got paid. In FULL for those.  Putting someone in a game... that costs you money. Do you think they can file on their tax report. "spent 2,000$ modeling boy and creating thing to do." Would be tax deductable?

Ever wonder why rich people donate around 100-500,000$/year to charaties? Because that is all they have to pay in taxes. So they give things they can get cheap. (say for nintendo a 50$DS) and then write the other 80$ off of their taxes. Money is key, money is god. Welcome to the a corperate world.

There is a company 10 miles down the road that is a nasty polluter, and their known for it. What do they do? They donate a million dollars every year to 'beautifying' the city. Tax deductable of cource. Gives them a good rep. Gave a million dollars to help repair the local area.

They gave nothing. They took the money from uncle-sam, and gave it to local-sam. It is PR. 

PSN ID: Kwaad

I fly this flag in victory!