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If you aren't going to take the bible as literal truth you might as well follow the evidence, which implies evolution happened then explain it away under God as the seven days in genesis are not literally seven days, but in reality billions of years (to humans) and as such evolution was the mechaism by which all life on earth formed.

@Wind Shavitor. Welcome to the forums =P

Final is debating the first part of your post so I'll debate the second.

Firstly there are no other ideas that I have heard of other than the fact of evolution (not the scientific theory, the scientifc fact - the observation that species have changed over time) or some form of intelligent design.
Can you give me an example of another way such disparity of life could be reached?

Secondly I don't see how quantum physics is relevant to evolution, the fact is quantum physics is really only used to describe things over very short time periods or at very small scales. The general world can be almost entirely described with traditional physics and the theory of evolution doesn't rely on quantum physics at all.