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Original Post by GrandMaster:

"The Nintendo Wii, unlike the Playstation 2, is not for everyone. It doesn't have a lot of games that are enjoyable to everyone. Furthermore, motion controls are not going to be liked by every gamer, and that's because the Wii-mote does not work for all genre's. You guys shouldn't fool yourselfs into thinking that everyone is going to love the Wii. It just isn't going to happen."

Topic of interest by GrandMaster is "The Nintendo Wii, unlike the Playstation 2, is not for everyone." and concludes with "You guys shouldn't fool yourselfs into thinking that everyone is going to love the Wii. It just isn't going to happen."

Reasons stated are this:

So far so good.

A) It doesn't have a lot of games that are enjoyable to everyone.

My Counter A) What games do you prefer that led you to this conclusion, where a Wii game does not exist on equivilency?

Your Counter A) I know people who don't like Zelda or Mario. If you can't stand Mario, Nintendo's biggest franchise is eliminated. Game over right there.

My Defense A) And your statement is just exactly why your opinions are as bad as the OP's. Your factual statement assumes that because "Mario Kart" is entitled "Mario" that everyone who has a biased opinion against Mario will hate Mario Kart. Maybe true, but by your logic I should assume that anyone who hates Mario kart also hates racing games, which can not honestly be true. Maybe they hate Mario. Maybe they've never heard of Diddy Kong. Maybe they like Diddy Kong Racing (similar setup/feel, more progressive) just because they have not assumed an opinion.

What does plugging your ears and "la-la-la-ing" have to do with anything....? Seriously?

I have come to the conclusion that you actually do support the right to hate "Mario" just because. Which means I also come to the conclusion that you can't seem to base your own opinions unless defending others' right to have a different opinion. Read my statements, not one-sided statements. They are responses, not stand-alone flapping-of-mouth.

Is it really that unfathomable to simply not like the idea of a plump mexican plumber driving a kart or playing golf or soccer or what not?

B) Furthermore, motion controls are not going to be liked by every gamer, and that's because the Wii-mote does not work for all genre's.

My Counter B) Did you ignore the five different controller setups the Wii has on its own?...According to your logic you should also state that XB and PS have nothing over Wii's controls

Your Counter B) the premise was that the motion controls wouldn't appeal to everyone. You countered by saying you have alternatives to the motion controls which was irrelevant as having alternatives does not make motion controls themselves more appealing...Whether or not some other controls appeal to people has no bearing on the Nintendo's Wii controls appealing to them.

My Defense B) The premise was that motion control does not work for all genres, and therefore will not appeal to all gamers, let alone all gamers liking motioncontrol over classic control. My response was that listed above. Yet, your statement that alternatives over motion-control have no-bearing is actually quite silly. Why isn't it relevant? Because Wii's primary feature is motion control? Does that mean Wii games can not be non-motion control? Wii games can't possibly use classic controlling schemes? Therefore Wii is doomed? Yet I argued, there are plenty of other options. Why is this beyond imagination. The controller is sitting there. Right there. Try Excite Truck out. Next to no-motion control. Back to the OP, Wii-mote does not work for all genres. What does this have to do with a proven fact (because it's not), when so much evidence is sitting in front of the OP (and now you) that motion control IS NOT REQUIRED.

This is the one I love.

He says motion controls aren't for everyone/every game.

You say the equivalent of "Well duh, don't use motion controls. Use XYZ control setup. Look at ABC game that doesn't use them."

You just agreed with him and don't want to admit it.

C) You guys shouldn't fool yourselfs into thinking that everyone is going to love the Wii.

My Counter C) I haven't met a person IN person that doesn't like the Wii. Plenty of people who have no care for any new console, either. But, they love the Wii. Unfortunately online forums tend to wreak of biases and misinformation.

Your Counter C) I know people who don't like the Wii. Some prefer the HD graphics of the PS3 and the online action of xbox Live. Others just don't like Nintendo games. Not everyone likes the Wii. ~ Fixed.

My Defense C) I know 34,978 people who love the Wii and 23 people hate the Wii. Obviously my testimonials are proven fact and everyone should listen to me.

You say you met no one that disliked the Wii.

I say I have.

This point really should have died at that point. Now it's like an undead zombie: smelly, ugly, and staggering about trying to consume people's brains. ^_^