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rikuowns said:

well i'd have to say evolution because sokmething just isn't believeable about a god....


also the bible i mean WTH its a book we found in the ground come on!

Did you creat an account just to say that?

So you found and your family found a Bible buried in the ground interesting.

You know the OT has been around since 1500 BC and the NT since 70 AD so I bet there are probably lots of them in the ground. Christians and Jews were killed with their Bibles by the Roman and they were dumped into mass graves. When Rome made Christianity its official religion (after killing so many of them),later, I bet people were buried with Bibles in the ground and they were dug up by archeologist later.


When the Dead Sea Scrolls were found later, Thousands of years later, do you know that they found no little change from the Bibles in use and the Bibles they found in the ground.

I know you weren't talking about history when you spoke. You were talking about the Bible you found in the ground. That's neat, was it water damaged or full of bugs?