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facher83 said:

Point 1: "If the player does not enjoy Nintendo games" is a blatantly stereotypical answer from a lot of people. It's just about as bad as (actually it is as bad) when people state that they hate EA games. Have they played all EA games? Probably not. Sim City is not in the same league as their golf games, or Burn Out, or The Sims... your counter is more horrid.

Point 2: "Being able to using a classic controller or a gamecube controller does not make the Wii's motion controls any better." - This statement does not re-inforce any notion that PS3 or XBox2 will do so much better because no motion control exists. What makes PS3 controllers so much better? Because they don't have motion control? Laughable reasoning.

Point 3: "I know people who don't like the Wii. Some prefer the HD graphics of the PS3 and the online action of xbox Live. Others just don't like Nintendo games. Not everyone likes the Wii." I know these people who say this and that. Your point is exactly why I said mine, because it's completely base-less, just as the previous posting. There are plenty of online computer games that don't make the others any better than any other console or machine.


Perhaps going back to the original quotes will lend better explanations as to what I said and why. Without looking at it too much, Point 2 on your case is... silly. Go back to the reference that Wii won't work well for all genres, and realize what you just said, and what I tried to point out.

1. It's a fair answer even if you don't like it. I know people who don't like Zelda or Mario. If you can't stand Mario, Nintendo's biggest franchise is eliminated. Game over right there. I know you may not understand how some people can hold that opinion but they do. No amount of disbelieving or plugging your ears saying "la-la-la-la" will change that.

2. Um... the premise was that the motion controls wouldn't appeal to everyone. You countered by saying you have alternatives to the motion controls which was irrelevant as having alternatives does not make motion controls themselves more appealing.  Now you're countering by saying that the 360/PS3 controls won't do better which is also irrelevant.  Whether or not some other controls appeal to people has no bearing on the Nintendo's Wii controls appealing to them.  Keep your eye on the subject because none of what you're saying is relevant.

3. Why is my point baseless? Shall I go tell my friends they're figments of my imagination because you don't believe it? Why is it so hard to understand that other folks have different taste in systems/games or prioritize certain features differently?

It's one thing to be a fan of a system, but it's another thing to become closed minded by virtue of that fandom.