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FFX was pretty good as far as storyline goes. Sure Yuna was flat and Tidus was a bit unlikeable. However it had a solid romance story to it that wasn't forced. Usually in anime and rpgs, couplings are forced. I really felt that I could back Tidus and Yuna because they started as friends there relationship progressed it didn't just happen. I enjoyed that the narrator had this idea that he was well informed when in fact he wasn't. Addressing the issue of racism especially coming from Wakka was classic. Tidus not existing and Auron being dead were nice twist but not totally unexpected. The best part though is the irony.

End spoiler

FFX-2 ruined all of that and was worthless as far as storyline goes.

I am glad I read this thread. I was going to get an 360 just for Star Ocean, but now I can see it isn't worth the money. It seems like none of the Star Ocean games are any good.

FF12 story isn't awful but it isn't good either. I can't see it being in the top 10 worst stories. That being said I still consider it one of the worst final fantasies.

Pokemon as a stand alone game it is pretty basic. However after 4 generations of the same thing I think it is a pretty poor story. Pokemon really shines more for its gameplay than story though.

I find it a little wrong to mention old RPGs. Final fantasy 1-3 were awful and Dragon quest one to three were awful. They really couldn't help themselves the genre hadn't developed yet. So I think it is a bit unfair to count those games.

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