Seraphic_Sixaxis said:
If i memory serves though... i don't think you were a PS3 owner, infact you've made quite the rude insult or 2 about the system in the past, (Geass avatar FTW) so, now that you've played b3yond, is VC your fave thus far? ... answer wisely... >_>
On topic...
1. Trophy Patch. 2. Online Co-Op / VS mode. 3. New Mission Add-Ons to the main story.
All of the above = Countless hours more VC gameplay from me. :D |
Yeah. I bought PS3 couple of weeks ago because I got bored and I got it pretty cheap. (329€ from local shop) And so far it has been worth of all that money. (R&C, KZ2 and VC all exelent games) VC is definitely best of the three though. I don't remember that I would have insulted PS3 though. I try to be neutral but I had to admit I don't like Wii as much as HD consoles and PC. On other forums in the past I was pretty big PS fanboy and I was insulted by that. PS3 price point just have kept me from buying PS3 before this. =)