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shams said:


I have a friend working on PS3 engine tech (TeamBondi, working on L.A Noire). He was not only saying that it is an immense amount of work to write a *proper* engine for the PS3, he was also saying how disapointed he was in the overall architecture. Coding for the SPU's is much harder than for the 360's multiple cores (lots of reasons).

 Yes, I agree. I am a Software Developer myself and due to a crazy idea of someone I even had to write some software on the PS-3, although I am not working in the games industry...

While the PS-3 is hardly a bad console its SPUs are a headache, mainly because they only like a special kind of software, otherwise they get very slow. While it would be possible to use at least some of their power for nornmal programs , real approaches will be much more limited, mainly for costs and debugging reasons.

It isn't mainly the hardwarer itself, but its hardware demands a special way of programming, but this way contradicts the way how normal programs or games are really developed. But the normal development style can't be changed for the PS-3 because it would need to much money and time. It is easier to do some basic optimization on the Xbox 360 because you can group by function, not by the kind of algorithm, that will be used.