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madskillz said:

Would you have still bought the system? Do you think it would have sold as well as it has?

I would have held off buying the 360 had I known RROD was that bad (happened to me twice).

With the PS3, I wouldn't have bought it.

With the Wii, I definitely wouldn't have bought it.

What about you?


I don't buy shit that fails me, period. Yes, everything fails sooner or later, but there are limits to what someone can put up with just for liking or loving something. If something fails once, that's hard but I can bear with it. Then it fails again, now that mechanical thing is going to have to go through hell and back to get my love again. However, knowing beforehand a certain product is KNOWN, PRONE and VERY LIKELY TO FAIL, that’s a whole different story. That’s just asking for it, and being stupid. I respect myself better than that. If I had purchased a 360 (I was very close a few months after it was out, but I was put off because of the proprietary small HDD and lack of games) and it had failed me back then, I would’ve kept it and repair it, however as soon as I had known Microsoft was KNOWINGLY shipping out defective garbage that was bye-bye baby, c’ya later! I have my pride, and there’s nothing I hate more than being taken for stupid or being cheated on a deal.

If the PS3 were just as defective as the 360, I wouldn’t have one. I would be patiently waiting for a new design or a whole generation of consoles, or I would content myself playing PC or portable games (no Wii for me). If my current PS3 totally fails today, I will be waiting for the rumored PS3 slim, whenever that comes true, or I’ll try buying one for real cheap. I just know for FACT a PS3 total failure is a rare occurrence, so I would give the bastards at Sony a chance. However, if lightning were to strike twice on the same spot, I would definitely not buy again.  After all, I skipped close to 4 years of the previous generation during which I only cared about finishing some games, and it wasn’t because of hardware issues or lack of games or money. I was just into other things, and gaming interested me very little enough to have any gaming system collecting dust, so I sold my PS2, bought a Xbox and rarely played any games on it for 3.5 years. I used it frequently as a media center until last year, but rarely as gaming machine. I can live without a gaming system, and I can certainly live without overpriced, defective garbage.