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Vengi said:
TWRoO said:

@mikey, yeah Sega had the best names for their consoles....lets see if i can put all the names in order of how great they are for a traditional console. (i am leaving the Wii out because it s different, and i dont mean the new controller i mean the concept behind it)

I'm just going to do Nintendo, Sega, MS and Sony btw, i'm not going into the smaller stuff.

(only in Japan really, because in English it's Family computer which isn't great)
Master System
Dolphin would fit here (code name for GC...i don't know any other code names apart from revolution)
Nintendo Entertainment System
(we in Eu get the crappy name of course)
Super Famicom
Super NES
Nintendo 64
(first one to explain part of it's innards in the name, which makes it a bit better than adding '2'/'3' to a previous name)
Playstation (the brand actually built itself past it's name though, no one breaks it down anymore and sees how naff it is)
GameCube (same as PlayStation but without the brand built upon it...this was the generation Nintendo tried to be Sony)
X-Box (last place for the main brand, but i think the 360 suffix is at least different to PS1/2/3)

It seems, Ignoring Wii (which is at the top of a list of it's own) Nintendos code names are much better nams for consoles than the final names.

I have to disagree with you TWRoO, at the time The Sega MegaDrive was a much better name then Genesis, anything with "Mega" was great in the late 80's Actually...I still think it sounds far cooler.

Wii is a unique name where as Revolution is a Word, this alone makes it a far better name for a product. when you talk about the  "Wii" people automatically ask "whats a wii"  or maybe "Wii?" it's makes it a topic of conversation. 

It's also easy to say, cute and fun. Wii is about being Easy to play and fun and it looks cute/simple/sleek so the name really fits it.

i didn't make the list on the basis of what was "cool" at the time otherwise x-box would be higher up because late 90s early 00s everything had to have an X or a Z in it, or certain letters written backwards.....If you have seen homestarrunner think of the fake band Limozeen.

Mega may have been a popular word at the time but i don't think it lasts as well, certainly not as good as Genesis.

It's annoying that most of the names are just combining two existing words; mega-drive/fami(ly) - com(puter) Dream-cast is easily the best of the combo names, it's something that sounds nice when you say it (like cellar door)
i would actually put a line under MegaDrive though to signify where the great names stop and the mediocre names begin....and a further line under N64 because the names under that are not good at all (not bad, but below mediocre)