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the sales numbers there speak volumes for the wii in my opinion, theres no arguing that the 360 has alot of great games and if anything software releases are at their absolute maximum yet the wii, before it reatures anywhere near the same maturity is pretty much hot on its heels. Once wii software steps in in pace (as its going to within a month) the situation will be very different.

In a way wii sports shouldnt be counted, but in a way it should, it has been pretty much the sole reason to own the machine for alot of people so buying the wii without that game would have been pretty pointless. At the same time, a pack in game made buying another title non-essential, so you could say they have cut their own throats in some sense.

It would have been interestin if they had launched the machine without a pack in game at say 5 - 10$ less and then offered consumers sports, play and a few other games for $10 each, i think that could have been an even better way to launch the machine, not that it needed to be improved.