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windbane said:

I'm glad you've enjoyed only Nintendo games for 10+ years, though. I couldn't have done it.

Could you please stop saying that. How many times does the man have to say that he played and actually enjoyed games on other consoles for you to acknowledge it?

As for the question of discussion.  I agree with you.  I can understand the concept of going ALL the way with the PS3 - a consol that does it all at a premium price.  But as you pointed out, there would be no point, since the PC is much better suited to the task and will out do any consol due to its upgrade path.

I agree with the general consensus here, that it would have been better to drop some of the high-tech gadgetry (ie. BR ) and sell it at a price point closer to $300.  If that was the case it would have sold like hot cakes.  Sony had a huge and growing user base that were itching for the next Playstation – any reasonably priced consol would have been an instant best seller.