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Dodece said:

I get the sense that watching paint dry is of particular interest to you. For the majority of people this is the definition of boredom incarnate. Rational people thirst for novelty and originality. They do not want the same discussion every day for years on end. Familiarity be damned, but you know who can stomach it and a lot of it to boot. Foaming at the mouth fanatics, because they literally cannot imagine a better use of their time.

So while your put off by the notion of some conflict the reality is this. Without conflict there is no debate. With no debate there is no discussion. With no discussion a forum dies. When a forum dies it has a nasty habit of taking its host site with it. So I ask you why you want this site to die of boredom, and why do you hate Ioi. It is no exaggeration that as this console generation has boiled down into predictability the result has been less discussion. Just look at the hot topics from today.

A year ago this thread would be three pages deep now. There would have been a dozen real topics making the rounds, and many many more members would be contributing. No sir if lapsed members drop by a week from now, and suddenly see the trends have radically changed. They would say hey look new shit to discuss. I simply must chime in. I just want to see these forums become real vibrant again, and a radical shift in sales could reset the community to an earlier point in this generation where perhaps to when complacency didn't leave us utterly jaded about how cool it is to try and figure out how shit is going to change.

You need to relax.. I quoted Maxwell mainly to pick on Bolero rather than agree with him (not saying he's wrong, though). I said a joke and now i hate ioi.. you remind me this

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