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Unfortunatley for the PS3 it is facing the same problems that the Gamecube faced, and will probably have the same end result the Gamecube had.

The gamecube came out with a decent lineup of games, but not games (besides Smash) that you go out and buy a system for. Throughout the Gamecubes history there was a lack of really strong games. The PS3 has no super strong AAA titles holding it afloat this holiday. Name one exclusive game that has the potential to sell millions of systems that comes out before 08. It doesnt exist. The Gamecube brought out great games over its lifetime, as I am sure the PS3 will, but it ended up third even though it had those great games, just as the PS3 will. That is my prediction, and judging from the way the PS3 is performing today, with the meaningless price cuts and no incredibly game until 08, it has probably already lost its footing and will continue to release a few good games that may enable it to limp on.

If it doesn't catch up this Christmas it won't catch up at all. The outlook is bleak.

Xbox Live Gamertag - Deathscythe X

AIM SN - Alexie Di Onie