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CatFangs806, dont forget that PS3 is not xbox360 that just have 1 or 2 major exclusives each year, and obviously everybody buy that exclusive.

In the 2007 was hallo3 and... (nothing more). Last year was geas 2 and ... (nothing more). The rest of xbox360 good games whe can play them in PC or in other consoles. Obviously whith so few (quality) choices this exclusives sell like hell.

This year was ... errr (nothing In this moment PS3 owners are playing the best 2009 exclusives of the market like Killzone 2 or inFamous and the 360 owners must be playing multiplat games or the same exclusives of ... 2006 or 2007 maybe!?

PS3 each year launch a lot of great (really great) exclusives (thats why PS3 have the best exclusives on the market -by far-) and the PS3 owners are allays very divided in in the moment of buy games because they have too many great choices and not just a bunch of average multiplatform games and 1 or 2 decent exclusives like xbox360 does.

Uncharted & The Last of Us 

(Definitely, best games of last Gen)