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Japan-1.5 million to 2 million

USA-900K to 1 million+
Others-300K to 400K

4.5 to 5 million LTD

And holy crap @ people predicting 11+ millions sales for FFXIII...People expecting this game to do Call of Duty 4 numbers are nuts.I honestly don't see this game creating a massive influx of new FF fans despite any heavy advertising from SE....FFXIII while having the power of the FF brandname is the polar opposite of the type of games that are popular today.Its not a casual game,it doesn't have online multiplayer,its not a shooter.The sales are gonna come from the Final Fantasy Faithful (FFF) who hopefully aren't tired of FF....I love FF and and JRPGS in general and would love nothing more than to see it do huge numbers but I just don't see that happening.