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Crash Bandicoot (during the PS1 era)

Ratchet and Clank or Kratos (PS2 era)

PS3 - ???

With the PS3 they are trying with sackboy (failure in my opinion, unless they make a sequel. But then again, what'd happen to all the community generated content), Nathan Hale (Not unique enough) and Nathan Drake. Drake's probably the closest of the lot, given that he's carved his name into 1 great PS3 game and another that's looking to be an amazing game. Also, despite his really cliche'd personality, it's quite unique to video games (particularly console exclusives).

So in the same way that Masterchief, Marcus Fenix and Mario (altough Mario created the idea of this mascot type), they are all character types, but you won't find a masterchief or Mario like character that succeeds as well on another console.

So I think if Sony keeps pushing Uncharted, Drake can be the sony mascot. The only downside is, he'll be slaughtered in Mascot face-off's by a plumber that eats mushrooms to grow bigger and shoots fireballs among other things, out of his hands and a 7 ft space marine with regenerating health, super strength and a super leap.