c0rd said: I didn't say nobody here planned on boycotting the game, but I do think some probably did geniunely lose interest due to this decision. @Jereel Hunter: That reasoning doesn't make too much sense to me. It sounds like you think everyone taking a stand against the LAN removal were just looking for an excuse to pirate the game. Guess what - some people are actually pissed off over this decision, because it's inconvinient to paying customers. It also feels like they're treating us like criminals - next thing you know, in a few years we won't even be able to play games without connecting online, but it'll be fine because "everyone has internet anyway." People always make a big deal about "small things." The same goes on when talking about console games, but I don't see people accusing them for making excuses just to pirate the game.
Not at all. If someone takes a stand against not including LAN, and doesn't buy it AND doesn't play it, that is there perogative. If they choose not to buy it AND not play it, they are showing that they are upset over the decision made. If they choose to pirate it, they've *more than likely* made an excuse to justify it. There isn't an excuse for piracy IMO. I don't pirate games. the closest I've come is DLing "no disk" hacks for games I own. Either I buy a game, or I don't, but I don't consider stealing an option. People who use BS reasons to steal are looking for them. THis is a game with a MASSIVE development budget, and a development team with a fairly epic reputation. With or without LAN support, anyone who buys it will get well over their money's worth.
As for it "feeling like they're treating us like criminals" - you are, IN THIS POST, attempting to defend people who are admitting IN ADVANCE to intended criminal activity. The more people that step up and defend this piracy, the more I think Blizzard made the right decision to say "hey, for every valid LAN user, there's 10 pirates - sorry, we've got a decision to make." In stores, paying customers pay a slight markup to account for merchandise which is stolen. In a perfect world without thieves, everything would be a little bit cheaper. You are choosing to blame the store rather than the thieves. I say, "screw you guys!" to the pirates - if more than 10 million pirated copies of SC hadn't been circulated, we'd still have a LAN option. It's their fault, not Blizzard's. We're being treated like criminals because in the world of PC gaming, it's statistically likely that we are.
"Ey Boss, deys treat'n us like criminals! How we gonna get da goods past em?"