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It´s great that Sony makes a comeback, but people are reading to much on it.
Don´t expect that, because it cuts the price, people will automaticaly run and buy one.
Don´t think that the 360 is just a sad excuse for the people that don´t have money to buy a PS3.
I expect that, if they do indeed cut the price, the PS3 will sell like no tomorrow for the 1st month or so, due to the people that want one, but then it will stop and be on par with the 360.
If you think otherwise, you´re kidding yourself, by either giving too much credit to Sony or not giving none to Microsoft.

And actually believing that it will surpass the 360 by 2010 or 2011 is just ridiculous.
There is 8 million between the 360 and the PS3, so, are you really expecting the 360 just to stop selling all of a sudden?
What about the Wii?
Like i said, it´s great if Sony does make a comeback, but don´t overract