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If the rumors of a Ps3 slim and price cut in the near future are true, the Ps3 will make the biggest comeback in video game history.


I cant even count the amount of times I've read or heard someone say "I want a Ps3 but I'm waiting for a price cut". I believe that is the general thinking amongst casual gamers who had a Ps2 but weren't willing (or able) to dish out $400-$600 for the Ps3. Some ppl refuse to pay even $400 out of principle for a console that's almost 3 years old, but $300 is acceptable and "normal" for a console price in America. If there is a price cut there is no doubt in my mind that Ps3's will be selling like hotcakes and lying off the shelves this holiday season similar to the Wii a couple years ago.


Backwards capability. Yes. Finally. They're bringing it back. This is great news and will only add more momentum to Sonys come back as the Ps2 is the most popular console of all time and people will still want the option of playing their Ps2 games on Ps3.

PSN update 3.0 / PS Cloud... some huge rumors with decent evidence backing these. Sony finally adding cross game chat. Sony adding Cloud as a Facebook or Twitter type of social application. Sony making Home and PSN Store more visible on the start up menu. If this update is as huge as the rumors suggest, PSN will be equal or better than XBL which is a slap in the face to MS considering PSN is FREE. 



Now look at games - Ps3's biggest possible exclusive franchises are Gran Turismo, God of War, and Uncharted.... All potential AAA games... and they are all coming out right after the price drop. Fans will have good reason to go to the store and buy a Ps3.



No matter what MS does, if the Ps3 drops to $300 this year, Ps3 will outsell the 360 and never look back. Ps3 will have a monster holiday season and eventually surpass 360 in 2010 or early 2011.

"I don't have time to play video games anymore, but if I did, I would definitely choose the PlayStation 3 instead of the 360" - President Barack Obama