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axumblade said:
trashleg said:

ok i'll rate but obviously its not counted in the voting. my all-time favourite-looking guys on this entire site are rowles4487 (he'll kill me if he knows i've linked this, lol..) and beoulve.



 beoulve (doesnt seem to have that hot ewan-mcgregor lookylikey photo on here anymore, *sob*) (i know he hasnt entered this contes either, but whatever. he is verrrryy hot.)

D_boy (all the more cuter since i realised he's older than me!)

nojustno, nightstrikerX, and axumblade are all very cute. (shame axumblade's gay )

lolita, of course, is stunning. she deserves to win this contest

i think Necromunda's cute too, but he's only 16 so thats a bit pervy of me!

O-D-C is cute too, nice eyes pearljammer isn't bad, except for that crazy facial hair! Zexen_Lowe's alright but looks a bit serious... LIGHTEN UP DUDE! Esmoreit, you pose like a camp superhero and you have rosy cheeks! PDF and RCTjunkie seem waay too young for me to be commenting on, lol. I can't take Hatmoza seriously cos of that pose,

i dont think lolita will be posting anything any time soon, she's only recently come over to the UK so i think she's getting, um, reaqquainted with her guy.

have i forgotten anyone who hasnt been eliminated?!


Agreed. I think Beoulve, Seece, and TrucksoSaurus are the most attractive guys on the site..imo...I'd die if I had to choose one of the three of them in this game personally.

And I need to point out, you are quite the flatterer ^_^ and you are really cute yourself...for a girl!

haha, i wasn't trying deliberately to be flattering, i was just being honest! and thanks, its always nice to hear a gay guy say that cos it somehow seems more sincere than a straight guy.

i hate to break it to ya, but beoulve said im purdy.. so you have no chance! lol. yeah there are quite a lot of hot guys in these forums eh? we're so lucky being minority groups on VGChartz!

Kamal, I cant even see your face in those pics! besides, you're 4 years yonger than me, thats verging on inappropriate.. LOL.

Highwaystar101 said: trashleg said that if I didn't pay back the money she leant me, she would come round and break my legs... That's why people call her trashleg, because she trashes the legs of the people she loan sharks money to.