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ChichiriMuyo said:

Chunk, do you realize people were saying the exact same thing about DVDs 8 years ago?  Yet you'd actually have to go out of your way to find a large selection of VHS anywhere these days.  Just like 8-9 years ago you'd have to go through the same troubles if you were a DVD fan. 

In a couple of years, the prices on both BR players and BR discs will drop into your range.  Right now they are in the range of early adopters who like technology for technology's sake.

I think you missed my point. What I was saying is the reason bluray/hddvd are ripoffs is that you can get nearly the same quality out of a dvd when used with a hdtv and upconverting dvd player. There was no way to get dvd quality out of a vhs tape. Plus dvd also had greatly enhanced usability. The only down side was price, originally. That is not the case here, the usability is the same and the quality can be very very similar, if not identical with most movies. Plus, when the prices come down to 'normal' levels it will be worth it for the minimal quality change and possible extra's. Lastly, when DVD's came out vhs prices fell and DVD's started selling at thier price. Movies stayed $15-$20. That is not happening right now. Bluray/HDDVD costs about $10-$15 more than DVD's. They should shift down as well.