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I have to agree about the weapons, every review I've read hasn't mentioned the good quality and variety of weapons available. One of the major plus points along with the online multiplayer and stunning visuals. With the exception of Pro Evo 2009 this is the best game available for the console so far imo.

I really can't understand why this hasn't got better reviews tbh - true, you can play it as a run and gun shooter but there's plenty of replay value and more gameplay time if you take the time and make the effort to find the hidden alien writings and data discs. Once I've completed my first playthrough I'm going to play it again just to find all of the bits I've missed and then, because it's such a fun game to play, I'll play through on the other difficulty levels.

This deserves a score between 8 and 9 imo, only the IGN review has reviewed it fairly and given it a deserved score.