sega4life said: Similarities between $ony and M$ last Gen and this Gen..
Last Gen: PS2 was released before the Xbox. PS2 Had the exclusives. PS2 being first on the market gave the Devs a favorite, system to work on, so Ports went to Xbox. Xbox was a great deal more powerful system in all gaming aspects. Xbox had more bang for your buck, Hard drive, built in Ethernet, A working online service and such. Xbox games were in HD not the 480p games but the 720p and 1080i games, It was the first HD system.
This Gen: 360 was released before the PS3 360 Has the exclusives 360 being first on the market gave the Devs a favorite, easier, system to work on, so Ports went to PS3 PS3 is a more powerful system in some aspects, but much closer than the diffrence was last gen PS3 has more bang for your buck, Blu-Ray, WiFi,gigabit eathernet port and such. PS3 games are on Blu-Ray, it's the first Blu-Ray HD system.
I think that's a fair comparison between last gen and this gen. It's still a fair comparison
Just needs some slight editing... I think that's a bit more closer to reality