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--OkeyDokey-- said:
trestres said:
That Tom McShea guy has always brought down the Wii games, same with that VanOrd guy.

Kevin VanOrd? The guy that gave No More Heroes a 9.0?

That's it.

The Conduit is average. It's been painfully obvious right from the beginning. Not everyone is going to give it special treatment just because it's a Wii game. The Conduit is a first person shooter. This is 2009. There are high standards.

That's usually not the stage when one wants to be making judgements.


To lavish praise upon this title, the assumption of a common plateau between player and game must be made.  I won't open my unworthy mouth.

Christian (+50).  Arminian(+20). AG adherent(+20). YEC(+20). Pre-tribulation Pre-milleniumist (+10).  Republican (+15) Capitalist (+15).  Pro-Nintendo (+5).  Misc. stances (+30).  TOTAL SCORE: 195 <---- Fun theology quiz