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But apparently the wands are with devs already:


Posted June 5th, 2009 at 13:54 EDT

"Sony America’s Peter Dille has revealed that the format holder has already started churning out development kits for its motion-sensing ‘wand’ to third party developers, saying companies “couldn't be more excited" about the new tech.

"We're a little bit past the research phase," said Dille, during an interview with Gamespot. “We're having conversations with the third-party community. The dev kits have started to go out to the third parties as well. They're working on the tech. They couldn't be more excited about it."

Sony previewed the new peripheral during its E3 press conference on Tuesday, though it remains unknown as to when the device will hit retailers.",-says-Dille-News--a007504-p0.php

The Sony Wand article was published around 3 weeks ago lol