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As for your points. No, I don't think that the U.S. is becoming simillar to the Nazi's Germany. I believe that the current government has committed a wrath of crimes both domestically and internationally and I believe that the U.S. democratic system and government structure is inherently corrupt. But that's a far cry from playing the Hitler card.

Part of the problem with claiming that the U.S. is turning so evil is the fact that it's history is by no means better. The more apt analogy than germany would be the U.S. during the cold war. Domestically, their Communist witch hunt was worse than what's now. And internationally they treated the world as their playground. South America in particular was horrendously manipulated. And the Iraq war is most oft compared to... Vietnam!

Oh yeah. Things were even worse with communism. But it seems the government is now trying to recreate the conditions during the Cold War, so they can keep taking freedom and power from the American people, and this time make sure the looming threat they're inventing is never defeated.

maybe America would finally get a universal healthcare system out of it... and Canada would get...

Cheaper videogame systems? Well that and probably products in general because they couldn't screw canadians by basing it on currency rates locked in back when the dollar was up on it a lot.

How is Canada going to pay LESS for things if they have to pay taxes to cover universal US healthcare?

No. A giant multi-nation over-government will require taxes to operate, and so drive prices up and detract from the wealth of the people. Check out those VG console prices in Europe.


I never said they were my ideas, but I'm glad you know other sheep like yourself. ;)

You're a jackass.

Most of the global warming stuff is just a scam.  Not that global warming is a scam... but the solutions to fix it actually arn't solutions but ways for people to benefit out of fear.

Exactly. Every political party and system finds it's own way to fearmonger.


Of course if you don't believe that it's another reason for the "American Union" to take place.  Canada could act as the US' "concsience".


Also. I'd actually be for getting rid of things like the department of education... and say, the department of homeland security... since they seem to do nothing. I mean Montana gets the same amount of protection money from terrorists as New York. Why not just make that department one guy with a check book?

Anyway, while i'd like to get rid of 80% of the government stuff, I know it isn't going to happen... and it's better to go one way or another then be stuck in the middle like the US is.

Oh yeah. All those federal departments are gigantic wastes and failures. They take money from us, taking power from the states and from the free market, pretty obviously create more problems than they fix, blame "unethical lenders," "foreign oil producers," "poor airport security," "bad teachers," etc., for those problems, and then want more money and authority which they will ultimately use to break the system further. Practically every domestic worry we have traces to this pattern of American socialism. The government fails at every social program it tries, and people want them to control our medical system! WTF???

Oops, missed one...

Also, since we're getting poltical.  I was against invading Iraq.  When the news broke I actually said "Iraq?  If anything we should invade Iran." because just about everyone knew they were the ones who were actually going to get weapons of mass destruction, and that those weapons would be the really bad kind that can irradicate the countryside.  Also they already have a number of people who don't like how their goverment runs and protests despite all the trouble and possible death it can give you.
Still, now that your in Iraq you can't just leave.  A Majority of Iraq's hate the idea we're in Iraq, but they hate one thing worse, the idea of us leaving.

It's our mess.  We made it, and it'd be a little shady of us as a country if we just said "Whoops your problem now!" and just let them sort it out. That's how Afghanistan ended up how it is afterall... and we saw how well that worked out for the US

It's our mess. Agreed. Next question: do we have the ability to clean up the mess with a military presence? The answer is pretty obviously "no."

We should pull out of Europe, out of Korea, out of Afghanistan, out of Iraq, and stop threatening Iran. We should stop sending aid to Israel, Saudi Arabia, and whoever else.

No, we shouldn't have invaded Iran instead of Iraq. We should have ruthlessly gone after Al Qaeda. And then we should have brought everyone home. From everywhere. We can't keep troops overseas for years and decades on end, trying to tell foreigners what kind of governments to form; trying to "win the peace" with guns and tanks and soldiers in night-vision goggles. We should kill the motherf***ers who are direct and imminent threats to us, and that should be the end of our overseas military presence. If we did that, there wouldn't have been a 9/11 in the first place.

"[Our former customers] are unable to find software which they WANT to play."
"The way to solve this problem lies in how to communicate what kind of games [they CAN play]."

Satoru Iwata, Nintendo President. Only slightly paraphrased.