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Bladeforce said:
I along with millions of normal non HD geeks feel BR is obviously not worth jumping into we can quite happily get away with upscalers or even existing dvd players quite happily. BR is a niche market plus with competing formats such as digital downloads, subscription services like sky and not to mention just downloading stuff off the net are all here now and were not even a consideration when DVD was in its infancy like BR is now. Next generation when Microsoft and Nintendo cold shoulder BR will be another blow. Too niche too un-neaded and just too damned expensive considering an HD TV costs what between $500 and well anything up to $3000 and then a BR player for another $100 and then $30 a shot for movies! No way the average Joe will be put off at step one

LOL Thats one funny post you got there. The article is proven to be shit and you start this? Sore loser? Neaded? Whats neaded?