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LordTheNightKnight said:
steverhcp02 said:
HappySqurriel said:
steverhcp02 said:
wow, thats the worst piece of FUD ive ever read, ever. If you know anything about HD DVD and BD you know that thsi blog right here is a heaping pile of FUD.

Yes and no. Although it isn't the best source of information, if you check out eproduct wars ( ) you will notice that HD-DVD has been creeping its way back towards the top for the past couple of months.

oh, no i realize that, dont get me wrong. With childrenof men, happy feet, matrix presales, smokin aces, HD DVD has been getting its feet under itsealf, but its just not walking or moving fast enough to keep pace with the growing PS3 userbase who will keep buying those BD's when they get the PS3's.

This spike merely proves that HD DVD is fighting a losing battle against the slowly growing install base of PS3 users....even if only 10% of people use their PS3's for playback, 300,000 a month mean 30,000 new BD buyers who may go back and buy previous titles as well as new releases.....this growing (while small obviously) userbase is trumping HD DVD's stand alone players and disk sales, HD DVD just isnt growing its userbase fast enough so we will continue to see a few titles sell well that everyone wants and then drop like a rock while BD will be more sustained as its userbase grows, it hink that much is about as close to proven as anything.

So, IMO, it will come down to this, HD DVD has an advantage in price in a awar of atrition, they can last longer and not take huge huts financially but Sony has so much invested that i think theyll be able to take a massive hit to see this through and the way they can win is if they can prove the growing userbase and prolonged sales of titles.....companies wil take notice....but regardless of what happens, its going to be slow unless we see studio support shift one way or the other.

At least post some links to back up your claims. And don't tell me the facts are obvious. They aren't, and they keep changing.

dude, why are you so hostile, i stated many times throughout my post its in my opinion, so now i need to cite sources for my opinion?

K, theres my link to my opinions.

And here is the massive thread of people who contributed to the spike

Now, look at nielson numbers, and sales trends so far, this is what im basing my opinions on im not going to try to justify my interperatation of easily accessible data to justify my opinions to you, who obviously has some sort of motive against all things sony and all people whom own a PS3 and have chosen to support Blu Ray....

just save it, youve obviously shown you havent even followed HD DVD or BD at all yet feel qualified to demand links and information from people who some research vefore you start playing devils advocate because its people like you that read this guys blog and believe the sales spike is due to wonderful titles and crap liek that....then turn aroundand misinform people by trying to talk like you know ANYTHING about HD DVD and Blu Ray when you havent the slightest idea of sales trends, or anything regarding the two only know Sony created BD so you hate it, and you know nothing else which is evident by your participation and lack of contribution to this thread other than to hit the quote button on my post and try to grill me on something you know nothing about. Thanks.