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  360 Wii PS3
A   X    
E    X  
I       X
O   X     X
U   X  X   X
Y   X  X  

 Okay, this graph will be used in this example, to indicate what it is that I have a problem with. All games in the chart are in the same genre. Conduit is a game that would fall into category E. The problem I have with the review is that it is being compared to A and I. Note that neither A nor I are in any way related to E. That's what annoys me. Game E would be comparable to any other iteration of game E (in this case though, none), or any other Wii game. Thus, a comparison of E to the Wii version of U or Y would be acceptable to me. But when talking about E, I don't want to hear about the 360 versions of U or Y, only the Wii version, since that is the one being compared.

To extrapolate, I'll now use Y. Game Y should NEVER be compared to I; it's a different game on a different console. If I'm talking about Y 360, it is fair to compare it other games on the 360 (A, E, O), or even other iterations of itself, to distinguish if it's a definitive game for the 360, or the definitive version of its own name. But if I'm talking about Y 360, E should never be mentioned. Feel free to discuss E when against Y Wii, though.

For those TL;DR people, if I have 1 system, I want to know how that game is for that genre on my system. If I have all the versions, which is the definitive one? Don't tell me about a different game on a different system.


-On a quest for the truly perfect game; I don't think it exists...