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While Blu-ray was declared the big “winner” in the high definition format war last year, consumers may be slow to be part of the winning team. In fact, Americans are not jumping on board with any of the high definition DVD players. Just one in ten Americans (11%) own a HD DVD player while 7% own a Blu-ray player. Looking at the other devices for playing HD DVDs, 9% own a Sony PLAYSTATION®3 (which plays Blu-ray ) and 3% have the external HD DVD drive for the Xbox® 360 (which plays HD DVDs).

7% of Americans own blu-ray.

22 million.

9% own a Ps3.

1.98 million own a ps3.

Am I missing sometheing here or is VG chartz this WRONG! OMG VGC overtracking Ps3 by 6 million confirmed!