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So true,not only the 360 is more powerfull than ps3 in the GPU department,but it`s also easy to develop for and the CPU is about the same as the CELL (IBM said this).

Plus,in the current state of this economy,a cheap console with exclusive games and easy to work with is sure to last more than the "10 year plan".

Plus,MS only recently started to make money on the Xbox brand,after losing billions in the xbox 1 days. It`s only natural to keep making a profit by selling games and Live to the millions of existing 360 users than to the supposed future 720 users.

I think the 360 is this gen ps2. Why? Because the ps2 is still selling based on the price and exclusive games and console exclusive games.

When you think how powerfull the 360 is and how cheap it is too,the exclusive games and console only games will keep on coming,forcing the developers to take full advantage of the system because they know it sells a lot of games,so...everyone will support it as long as the games sale.