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And in line with the GamePro twitter comedy, Garnett Lee is from 1Up and is currently writing the Conduit review for 1Up (looks to be negative as well after this quote):

Garnett Lee:
@MitchyD all that customization only amounts to a cry for help trying to adapt the Wiimote to something it just doesn't do all that well

Hm. Why is the RE4 Wii version considered to be the definitive version? Controls! With RE4, MOH:H2, COD:WAW, & MP3 the Wii has shown the superiority of the IR pointer for control over analog sticks for FPS. You have the nunchuck's analog stick for moving, you have the neccesary buttons. What the hell is this guy talking about?

The Wii controls are perfect for shooters, what the Wii doesn't do as well as other consoles is graphics and online. And both of those are great here. And Tiger Woods 10 proved without a doubt that gameplay and controls can mean more than graphics, although there are graphics whores that would disagree (and are probably still playing golf with their thumbs). We already know developers prefer graphics to gameplay as well since the best shooters are only developed for the HD consoles. But to say control in a FPS "is something the Wii just doesn't do well"? WTF?

Where does GamePro get these people?

BAM! There it is!
Wii Code 3456 7941 4060 2924
COD MW Reflex 541192229709