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axumblade said:
superchunk said:
axumblade said:
People talk way too much trash on these forums.

The PSP Go! will do fine when it comes to sales. They'll probably drop the price at some point. Comparing it to a Gameboy Micro proves that you have no idea of anything about the PSP Go! but considering that was a response to completely fanboy driven statement, I'll dismiss that as a super defensive statement.

As for the Sega handheld, if it actually exists and comes out, I hope it's a success, I used to love my Game Gear. But haven't there been reports of sega working on a console before that have either turned up wrong or have been cancelled?

Kinda off topic, sorry OP; but you're (axumblade) wrong. The PSPGo does nothing to advance the PSP and everything to hinder it. It's more expensive, can't play the existing library, has no new features that couldn't be done on PSP3000.

Similar to Micro, it adds nothing but a physical change that isn't even an improvement like DSL to DSphat.

Of course they'll drop the price, but that isn't the only thing it lacks. Granted this is just my opinion, however, I am not just a fanboy without logic as you should know.

The only way PSPGo will take off is if Sony drops PSP3000 without a succesor and gives full support to it in everyway. However, since Sony thus far has said it is to be a 2nd line, it will fade away similar to micro. B E L I E V E it.

It adds bluetooth capability (which allows you to use both bluetooth devices or a PS3 controller if you'd prefer the layout of it), takes away from the annoying load times of the UMD's, and makes it easier to buy niche games that are coming out on the PSP so I don't have to attempt to catch Gamestop right as they open so I can buy the only copy of the game in the area that I live in (I'll just say the Prinny game as a prime example). 

As for the existing library, Sony are supposedly working on the Good Will program for people who own a lot of UMD's that are early adoptors of the handheld. My guess is that they are going to try to offer a digital download for a UMD disc. I'm not 100% sure. I also believe that's a hidden fee behind the 250 dollar price tag since it's only going to be available to an early amount of people who are buying the system.

Also, the physical change allows for it to be slightly more portable and to be carried around in a pocket.

And if you would have paid attention to what you were replying to, you'd realize I was referring to rafichamp with that statement hense why I said "that was a response to completely fanboy driven statement." I wasn't accusing you of being a fanboy, you just haven't done as much research or read as much about it as I have. And don't throw that "b e l i e v e" shit at me because I do have all of the current consoles and enjoy them all.

Only about 1% of people (probably some core gamers) care enough about those features to buy the new thing. Reality is that a large majority of people will prefer a cheaper DSi with touch screen and a better game's library.