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"what does it say about the Wii that The Conduit doesn't blow Goldeneye's graphics out of the water the way Halo 3 outshines the original Halo or Killzone 2 completely destroys the original Killzone? "

Okay, that just killed the review right there. If he said that about Conduit vs Perfect Dark he'd have a point because the Wii can't make the same graphical jump that HD systems do over last gen but vs Goldeneye? Com'on.


"You make a throwing motion to toss a grenade and how hard you swing dictates how far it flies. But it's not an exact science, meaning your explosive either flies over your enemy's head or lands five feet in front of them."

Say what?  I havn't had the chance to play the game yet. - soon... - but isn't totally wrong?   Do you not just aim to where you want to throw it and then 'toss' with the nunchuk and it goes to whereever your aiming?   I don't think the Nunchuk is sensitive enough to even determine speed.