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MontanaHatchet said:
jlauro said:
Mint said:
I was telling someone about the score just now.
He said "I knew it was going to suck"
I said "A 8.6 is a very good score"
He said "Its a horrible score, below 9 sucks"
I said "Oh, alright, Prototype must really suck then"
He said "No, thats different, a 10/10 wii game is the same as a 6/10 360 game"

I predicted 8.5, I was close.
Remember to pick it up tomorrow, or else.
Yes, that is a threat. :P


LOL!  I was just complaining in another thread that 360 games are rated too high.  There are several Wii games with 60-70 scores on metacritic that are more fun than XBOX 360 games in the 80-90 range.

I don't think it is so much that the wii games are under rated as it is the 360 games are over rated.


The score is a little lower than I was hoping for, but about what I expected.  It 6 points better than what they gave COD WAW which makes it fairly good sign.

And your reasoning for that is that some Wii games with lower ratings are more fun than some 360 games with higher ratings? Did you know that fun is relative? I'm sure I'd have more fun with Fable II or some other games in the 80-90% range than Carnival Games. That's because fun is relative, and that's based on my tastes.


I never claimed Carnival games fell into that.  It may for some, but I was talking about games that 80% of hard core gamers should also agree.  Given the sales for Carnival games, maybe most would find it more enjoyable if they actually tried it.  Honestly, I never did.


Yes, it's subjective, but review scores are clearly too easy on some 360 games.  I've bought several, and rented far more.  You brought up carnival games, so you must know someone who cosiders it more fun than Fable II???  I certainly don't think that.  Carnival games has a 56 andFable II scored an 89.

So, tell me...  If it's not such a bias with reviews, then just as there are good Wii games with low scores more fun than 360 games with high scores, there should be the opposite too.  What on a 360 scores a 56 or lower that is more fun than a Wii game that scores an 89???  or at least <70 on 360 and >80 on Wii...