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I don't put nothing on Sony here I think the main thing that has changed with this generation is that gamers are better informed of which titles are lesser "me too" titles. We also are better informed to know how and when to pick up lesser games when they go on sale and not pay full price. Today we have G4 and hundreds of dedicated gaming sites etc... where in the past we had to mostly rely on magazines that were also heavily sponsored by the very same games that were being reviewed.

If 3rd parties were smarter there are 2 things that I can think of that would help increase their sales,
#1 your heavy hitter games continue to price them at your full $59.99 price, but your me too type of games should be $39.99 (and that includes expansions on games like the extra incarnations of Guitar Hero)
#2 they should do something unique for each version to boost their sales between multi-console owners. An example of what I mean is that multiplayer mode could be exclusive to 360, bonus campaign levels on PS3, Party content only available on Wii. (of course they could have a upgrade option available as DLC later). They do this now for Music CD's 2 free exclusive bonus tracks if you buy your CD from Target, and then you go into Best Buy and they also have 2 exclusive bonus tracks that are totally different, if you are a fan of the band you may just buy the same CD twice for those songs.