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Alexie Di Onie said:
Sqrl said:
Alexie Di Onie said:
Sqrl said:

lmao, this is really a pathetic attempt at a thread. Lost Tears & Alexie have found a great way to show just how big of a Halo fanboy they are. Notice how ANYONE who doesn't agree....yup their a "hater", anyone who doesn't think halo is the second coming of christ? well apparently they are just "haters" too.

What you pompous jerks haven't figured out is that not everyone loves the twitch Run'N'Gun gameplay of Halo. And this riddlin junkie who you wheeled out to make your case can barely stop himself from talking long enough to suck his lungs full of air, despite needing it to prolong his assault on our ears, is proof of the kind of moron being a fanboy can delude you into agree with. Really how pathetic is it that you are so keen on defending a game you would drag out this douchebag? And even worse is that the whole point was to tell people you disagree with by saying they should "shove their cock in their mouth". Because thats all this was! Your attempt at insulting people without getting banned for it.

But I'm sure now that I disagree with your approach here, I'm just another hater right? Ironically despite my extreme loathing of this kind of blind fanyboy stupidity I actually enjoy the occasional Halo Multiplayer match or 2. And I think Halo is a pretty good example of how to do a shooter on a console. But its this kind of person who feels it necessary to insult folks to make his points that ruins those online matches by sounding like a 12 year old with turrets.

Why don't you guys take off your brown-hats and smell the fresh outdoors where people don't insult others just because they don't like the same things with the same ferocious devotion as a religion. And while you're at it, maybe pick up another hobby...or two? Preferably something not involving a gun.


*sigh* and just when I attempt to make peace with Montana, first off its spelled tourettes, second, that whole post would have been teen times better without the first and third paragraphs. I have already admitted that orange box is a splendid game as well, this whole thread I have been advocating proper dialouge and good arguments not one liners, or incredible insults, (blade no more insults). THis isnt about being a fanboy. If you have something intelligent to say, please say it.

Nice dodge, fanboy 101: Ignore what you cant deal with. Waiting for your intelligent responce and douncement of this guy in the video since you are promotin proper dialogue.

PS - I like how you lied in this post, check out your first post in this thread where you insulted someone and then try to say with a straight face you spent the thread advocating proper dialogue. And then you call Montana a pig...oh I can feel the love.

PPS - its spelled dialogue, but I got the point, who cares if the point gets made?

When did I spell dialogue wrong? I am never against name calling, but I was a little flustered at the time. Montana was being slightly oinkish at the time, but we have made up now, bridge under the water(reverse that) Just cause you don't know how to spell tourettes doesnt mean you have to get pissy with me.

Continued dodging, nice work....again.

I bolded your spelling mistakes to help you spot them. But my point wasn't about spelling and I wasn't getting pissy. I was saying that you got my point so there isn't a need go english professor on someone.


In any case you have dodged again, so I will ask again...

Do you denounce the kind of douchebaggery displayed in this video? And if not what do you have to say for your hypocracy in claiming to promote proper dialogue while simulataneously condoning something that most certainly isn't proper dialogue.


To Each Man, Responsibility