KylieDog said: Sonic Unleashed is hard for the wrong reasons though. It is a terribly designed game. The actual challenge is almost non existant save for about 3 challenges (hot dog ones). Still, I only managed 12% of trophies and didn't even finish the games story before I put it in its case and decided to never play it again, so well done. |
8 out of the 9 hot dog missions aren't bad, they just require one to remember all the short cuts and then go through them with out screwing up....the worst and the most unfair has to be the 9th hotdog misssions, OMG the eggman land ones are atrocious, funny enough the most difficult parts weren't the sonic parts they were the damn wearhog ones...but I knew it was douable so I buckled down to get my 2nd platinum XD