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HappySqurriel said:

One thing that is interesting in this situation is how it could (very well) be a defining moment in the generation because, depending on Sony's action now, Activisions reaction will likely influence how things turn out to be in line with their expectations based on Sony's action ...

Essentially, if Sony reduces the price then Activision will expect the PS3 and PSP to continue to be viable platforms and will support them; and because Activision continues to support them the PS3 and PSP will continue to be viable platforms. In contrast, if Sony maintains the price of the PS3 Activision will expect the PS3 to continue struggling and to see a drop in support from other third party publishers, and Activision will lower support for the PS3; this will result in consumers seeing less value in the PS3 and other third party publishers losing confidence in the PS3, the system will continue to struggle and will lose support, which will match Activision's expectations.


Yep pretty much, third parties do have a strong influence on the success of a console. Its more than the fact that a certain console misses out on games, its also the perception that it gives people about the future of a platform. If they were to pull support significantly enough for people to notice, it may reduce everyones confidence in the platform. So like you said its a self fulfilling prophecy.
