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Zizzla_Rachet said:
JEDE3 said:
Zizzla_Rachet said:
nojustno said:
Shit just got real! Doesn't matter though they'll cut before 2011 anyway.

Real Talk!

To bads for Teh Cell Fans...Just him saying this was huge..And props to the Damage control Sony People..All of a sudden No one played any Activision games....Well I guess that was Activisions' point

I think you best reread the thread...

After about seven or more post saying "I don't buy activision games"

or "Not going to Miss Activison"....I don't think I need to reread the thread..I read the article on Kotaku this morning...

Err buddy.. The only 2 franchises that people accually care about are Guitar hero and Call of Duty. If they stopped supporting Sony, it would probably smaller things.

If you think they would take GH and CoD off PS3, your nuts.