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Calculated from monthly top ten and Chart-Track weekly % changes:

Recent Weekly Averages:

Wii Fit: ~27k
Wii Play: ~11k
Mario Kart Wii: ~10k
Professor Layton: ~8k

UFC Undisputed:

May: 96,000

WK21: 96,000 (360: 50k, PS3: 46k)

WK22: 55,700 (-42%)
WK23: ??? (-??%)
WK24: ??? (-36%)

Incidentally, if UFC WK22 drop applied evenly to both versions it would put UFC 360 @ 29k, UFC PS3 @ 27k, with inFamous first week sandwiched inBetween at ~28k.

Pokemon Platinum:

May: 59,000

WK21: 59,000

WK22: 42,500 (-28%)
WK23: ??? (-??%)
WK24: ??? (-??%)

EA Sports Active:

May: 28,000

WK21: 28,000

WK22: 40,000 (+42%)
WK23: ??? (-??%)
WK24: ??? (-28%)

Wii Fit:

May: 110,000

WK18: 32,800 (+115 units)
WK19: 30,500 (-07%)
WK20: 22,600 (-26%)
WK21: 23,900 (+06%)

WK22: 22,700 (-05%)
WK23: ??? (-??%)
WK24 ??? (+18%)

Wii Play:

May: 45,000

WK18: 14,000 (+47%)
WK19: 12,300 (-12%)
WK20: 6,300 (-49%)
WK21: 12,300 (+95%)

WK22: 11,000 (-10%)
WK23: ??? (-??%)
WK24: ??? (-28%)

Mario Kart Wii:

May: 41,000

WK18: 11,300 (+15%)
WK19: 11,800 (+05%)
WK20: 8,400 (-29%)
WK21: 9,500 (+13%)

WK22: ??? (-??%)
WK23: ??? (-??%)
WK24: ??? (-??%)