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heruamon said:
Ail said:
heruamon said:
Ail said:
heruamon said:
gebx said:
markers said:
stop supporting a console you sold an estimated 13.55 million games on?®ion=All&developer=&publisher=14&genre=&boxart=Both&results=50&order=Hits

how bout making something great before you stop supporting a console that sells your crappy games.


That's 13.55 million copies over 29 games (467,000/game), and if you take out the top three games (CoD4, GH3, GHWT), the average drops to 235,000 copies/game

Q - So what if Activision just deciced to drop everything except for GH and CoD?

A - They probably make more Profit, because the developers would not be making these statements if they were HAPPY with the PS3.




Just to compare to the 360

38.04 million over 39 games (975,000 copies/game)

Take out the top 3 game and that's 23 million over 36 games (638,000 copies/games)

Plus a key point he made was that it was more difficult to develop for the PS3, as compared to the 360.  Eventhough others have said, it's not more difficult, it's been mostly from people who are exclusive to that console.  The bottomline is ROI...I'm sure they aren't losing money, but they can get better returns by working on other projects...that's the bottomline. 

That's not really the case for a company whose stated strategy is to to work on a very limited number of titles with the goal for each of those titles to be megablockbusters like Activision have been stating for the last 2 years...

Working on more project would just be counterproductive with that.


Fact is Activision CEO should stop talking out of his ass and realize that his statement may be aimed at Sony but it's bound to anger fans that are PS3 owners and angering your fans for no reason is never a good move.... think his comments are just nonsense...I mean...the guy IS the CEO, not just some talking head.  He's the one who would makes the decision here...he must have some point he's trying to make...very publicly, and very explicitly.  He clearly stated that ROI is key here.

He's been getting very cocky since the merger with Blizzard and the success of CoD and GH.

Fact is both his huge franchises are getting old and Activision needs to get some new IPs sometime soon and stop focusing 99% of their effort on milking franchises that are several years old...

I purchase 20 or so game a year and at most 2 are from Activision and it's not because I despise them. It's just that they are starting to suck big time at renewing their catalog...

If I had been a journalist I would have asked him ' why don't you lower the price of your games if you want to sell more units ?'

Just to see the look on his face....

I mean come on, You have a publisher making heaps off money selling games on a console that looses money and the guy asks the console makers to loose more money to help him make more... That's not even win-win in the long run....


I'm with I didn't even get the  latest COD, but  plan on getting MW2.  I DO give ALOT of money to Activision, since I support 2 accounts on WoW, one for me, and one for my nephews, but overall, I'm not a super fan of their catalogy.  We knoe SCII isn't going to consoles, but Diablo III could be least theoretically.  Wolverine was cool, but I was playing Fallout, and didn't get it, now I'm on Red Faction and Prototype, so chances are, I'm not going to get a chance at it. 


I give them a lot of cash through Wow and will get D3 and SC2 but that has little to do with their console strategy.

Activision gets most of their console revenue through CoD and GH and while CoD is still expanding, GH is getting old and they can't expect to sustain the revenue they are getting from that game for much longer ( people are not stupid and are getting tired of having to purchase new instruments every year...)

PS3-Xbox360 gap : 1.5 millions and going up in PS3 favor !

PS3-Wii gap : 20 millions and going down !