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NSFW Discussion - Boobies! - View Post

trashleg said:
lolita said:

Well from what I read, on Google, they seem to be the same but I've never seen your size in a Canadian store... They often don't carry things below 34 and I am lucky to find 32 at times.

I'd guess from a Canadian store size you'd be a 34C (for guys: letter goes down when number goes up, the contrary is also true), which is a size above average.

thanks for checking that for me, for some reason my searches weren't yielding any particularly useful results ¬_¬

it's difficult to find an E cup in any smaller back size than a 32 here, there are a few stores who stock it but they think they can charge a fortune for the luxury. its horrible i reckon i could never wear a 34, i mean i know thats how it works but there's like a 4-inch difference there. it'd probably not do the job, lol. sucks

when u come over here make sure you get measured in a reputable store ^_^

ironman, you have a wife. therefore, you should not be making such crass demands!

I don't have a wife... therefor I would be glad to make the demands for him :P lol