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Carl2291 said:
From what people have been saying, this could be a "my bitch" thing.

Like, Sony have stated the 13Million... which basicly = Pricecut.
And Activision are like... CUT THE PRICE OR ELSE >:(
Its looking like a "yeaaah Sony is our Bitch"

Personally I don't see it that way.

Assuming Sony cuts the price of the PS3 prior to the holiday season, MS will easily counter that with a price cut of their own (which could happen irregardless) and effectively anul any benefit the still overpriced PS3 would have gotten from it.    Why buy a $299 - $349 PS3 when you can get a $249 Wii or $149-249 360? 

It Sony wants to benefit from a price cut it must do it NOW.  However, I think Sony has lost quite enough money on PS3 already so I don't see it happening, Activision be damned.